maanantai 19. marraskuuta 2012


With  this simple delicacy ,with four ingredients, every three star Michelin restaurant can earn one more. The only thing is to have clean ,pollution and hormone free reindeer sirloin from Lapland .When you have it, you don't need Gordon Ramsey to "fuck it" with  fox ,Jamie Oliver to berry it with coriander  and Ferran Adria to freeze it with liquid  nitrogen.
This is Aroma Aurora Borealis. Enjoying food for me is not fucking,berrying or quick-freezing (QF), it is history,traditions,atmosphere,myth, mystic and tender love with all your senses.

-frozen  reindeer sirloin (Lapland)
-sesame oil
-lemon juice
-pepper and salt
No additives, no colorants,no preservatives, no stabilizers no US or EU in  cattle feeding accepted  additives ,only pure sensation that this was your first time  when you have been  tasting something natural, unspoiled from the ancient  human history.
First step is to leave the rubber and motor culture to the pit lanes and cut the meat in 3-4 mm thick slices .
Second step, spray some lemon juice over the slices and sprinkle pepper and salt for your taste.
Third step,forget motor oils and use only pure neutral virgin oils like sesame oil to cover all the slices and put them in the fridge for 4 hours..
Fourth step, close the TV and open a bottle of Spanish Cava. After three hours, boil some very small and young Puikula Lap origin potatoes and serve them with melted churned butter and add on the plate  so many slices of reindeer carpaccio that suits for  your wallet . (I hope you have enough Cava for four hours or go to some Gordon Ramsey's restaurants and order if they can do it faster)


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